Tuesday 19 May 2015

How to Crack ‘Descriptive’ Paper in Competitive Exams?

Few of the competitive exams have descriptive paper also. As the name suggests, candidates need to write the answers in description as they are not objective type questions. Here are some tips helpful for cracking this descriptive exam paper:
1.    Sentence formation, correct use of words, grammar, handwriting (only to some extent), etc will be checked through descriptive exam. So, become perfect in these aspects.
2.    Write some essay and ask any of your friends (peer group members) to correct the same. In the same way, ask your friend to write an essay and you correct it. You will know where you should improve and how is your writing compared to other candidates.
3.    Practice good handwriting. Although, you may not clear the exam with just good handwriting, it is important to have legible and neat handwriting. It gives you a lot of confidence and communicates a lot to the evaluator.
4.    Write 1 page on plain paper / ruled paper every day, so as to keep good practice with handwriting. If you give a gap of few days, it will show bad impact on your handwriting. So, practice writing something or the other every day, so as to keep in touch with good handwriting habit.
5.    Read out loud, whatever you have written. When giving mock descriptive tests for yourself, make sure to read out loud what you have written. This helps you to evaluate yourself in a better way.
6.    Don’t try to use big words in the descriptive paper. Even if you were to use, confine yourself in this aspect. Don’t let the paper evaluator think you are just showing off. Even when such big words (not so commonly used words) are used, their usage should be justified through the context.
7.    Even small aspects matter a lot. Take care of grammar, punctuation, spacing, capitalization of appropriate letters, etc will have lot to say about your English proficiency and writing skills. Hence, take much care regarding these aspects.
8.    Take much care to avoid striking off. A single word strike off can bring down the good name earned by writing a good paragraph. When you strike off any word, for any reason, it will damage the look of entire page. So, be careful while you pen down your thoughts.
9.    Ordering of sentences and arrangement of paragraphs should be done in a skillful way. Actually, these are the things that tell you whether you are organized in your thought process or not. There should be a flow / continuation in your write-up.

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